LIVEb4buy Merchant

LIVEb4buy Merchant

LIVEb4buy Merchant is a Store Owner’s personal Mobile App

It is capable of capturing In-Store Visitors information


It can also be used for Data Enrichment at individual Product level for Engage Module Chat


Customer Info Capture (Android/iOS)

The store owner can record customer and user data by filling-in a simple form available within the application.


This data will then be stored in private secure servers.

The data can be accessed by the store owner whenever required.

Useful for sending customized user-specific offers and requests, thereby maintaining good store owner-customer relationship.

Available in both Android and iOS mobile devices.

ChatBot Data Enhancer (Android)

One of the significant feature of “LIVEb4buy” (web/mobile) is the personalised chat application – Genie (chatbot).

The store owner can record audios related to individual product requests made by customer/users.

These recorded audios samples can be uploaded to private secure servers where theyu will be analysed for improving the product recognizing capabilities of “Genie”.


This will enable the store owner to closely monitor and improve the user experience from their suggestions and request pattern for each product available.

Inviting all store owners to try out the app developed exclusively for you.