In Shopify to add LIVEb4buy App Download page menu item, please follow the steps below
Step 1:
In your LIVEb4buy Dashboard page goto “Assets” from the side menu
Under Assets select “Social Media & URLs”
Step 2:
Scroll down to “Enable LIVEb4buy Mobile App download page”
Select the icon as given
Once created a confirmation message will pop-up on the bottom right corner
Step 3:
Now that your page is created lets move on to adding the menu item
From the Shopify side menu goto “Navigation” menu under Online Store option
As per your convenience you can either add the menu item to the “Main menu” or the “Footer menu”
To add the menu item to the main menu select “Main menu” from the options given (OR)
If you want to add menu item to the footer menu select “Footer menu”
Step 4:
After choosing the menu type it is time to add the new menu item
Now select “Add menu item” from the bottom
Enter the name as “LIVEb4buy App Download”
Under “Links” select “pages” sub menu
From the given options choose “DOWNLOAD LIVEB4BUY APP” option
Once you have linked the page with the menu item click “Add” to add this menu to Shopify page
Step 5:
Now that you have selected the appropriate option its time to save the new menu item
Simply click on the “save menu” option on the bottom right corner
Main Menu
Footer menu
Step 6:
Now the LIVEb4buy App download menu has been added to the “Main menu” or the “Footer menu” in your Shopify page as shown
Menu item added to Main Menu
You can also watch our video tutorial to understand better